Well as Heamin Sunim very skillfully noted, there are some things you can only see when you slow down...
Our western culture prides itself on being busy. I've fallen for it just like everyone else. Rushing, juggling, trying to multi - task, shouting at the kids, being grumpy with people who I really care about because I have 'no time'.
Well, slowing down is the precursor to yoga practice. The simple act of stopping, and noticing, centering our awareness ready to begin our practice allows us to consider our thoughts, our feelings and our actions more carefully.
Whilst trying to fit too many things in, rushing around being busy and feeling exhausted, we can lose track of what is important and our life loses its alignment with our values. There is a book by Oliver Burkeman, Four Thousand Weeks: Time and How to Use It, the title alone gives me a sense that I might be missing out and I had better crack on and plan something. Yoga isn't encouraging you to be sloth like and do nothing, it invites you to notice where you are going, to intentionally choose your path and make small strides in that direction with each action you take. Afterall, if you don't know where you're going, you might not get there.
When you find yourself rushing, you can catch yourself and breathe a little more thoughtfully, maybe a breath deep into your belly, or an audible breath to anchor your mind, or some breath awareness to be more mindful. My yoga teacher told me there are as many breathing practices as there are diets, and I am really enjoying exploring and sharing many of them.
Besides offering space to notice your own mind, yoga has great effects on your body, bringing fluidity and flexibility and a sense of ease. I can talk about what it means to me, but you really have to experience it for yourself.
When you’re brand new to yoga, it can feel very unfamiliar and be difficult to know exactly where and how to get started. Our Yoga for Beginners Series was created specifically for you—to give you the foundations you will need to start your Yoga practice. It will include 3 in-person sessions, and we encourage home practice alongside, from 6.45pm until 8 pm on Monday 1st, 8th & 15th August 2022 @ Hadfield Scout Hut - £22 per person, limited spaces available to ensure enough space and peace for everyone 💚